Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection
BS1 part 65.zip
BS1 part 65
Art Department Pro 2.15 d1.adf
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Text File
773 lines
; This is the installation script for ADPro V2.1.5
; This procedure does the work of de-arcing and copying files
; requires initialization of variables:
; module_dir
; module_thisfile
; module_srcdir
; module_prefix
(procedure install_module
(protect (tackon module_dir module_thisfile) "+rwed")
(delete (tackon module_dir module_thisfile))
(run ("RAM:lz -N -wRam: x %s%ss.lzh \"%s\" \"%s/\"" module_srcdir module_prefix module_thisfile module_dir))
(= 0 (exists (tackon module_dir module_thisfile)))
(abort ("An error occurred during the copying of the file %s the installation cannot proceed." module_thisfile))
(procedure install_standard_module
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(if (IN module_todo module_n)
(working ("Installing %s %s..." module_thisfile module_type))
(set todo
"If you are unfamiliar with the ADPro 2.1 installation process, push the Help gadget now. "
"Otherwise, push either Proceed or Abort gadgets after "
"selecting the steps of the installation process you wish to perform."
"This installation sequence is divided into three steps. "
"In the first step, you can install ADPro 2.1 in a directory of your "
"choosing. If you are upgrading from a previous release of ADPro, choose "
"the same directory where you installed the previous version.\n\nIf you are "
"installing ADPro for the first time, the installation program will allow "
"you to create a new directory or install ADPro in an old directory. "
"In the second step, you can install many of ADPro 2.1's ``standard "
"options''. These modules include support for different types of hardware "
"(like display boards and digitizers). You can choose to install these "
"modules one at a time. If you do not install a ``standard "
"option'' now because you don't need it, but later decide you want it, "
"simply run this installation program again, selecting only the second step."
"In the third step, you can install several ARexx programs supplied by ASDG. "
"Please see the ReadMe for a description of these ARexx programs. If you own "
"ARexx, you should install these programs. If you don't own ARexx then you "
"can skip installing these programs (until you do get ARexx, which makes "
"ADPro much more powerful than ADPro alone)."
"ADPro and Standard Modules"
"Standard Options"
"ADPro ARexx Example Scripts"
(if (= todo 0)
(abort "You didn't select anything, so there's nothing to do.")
(if (AND todo 3)
(set @default-dest
(prompt "Please select directory to install ADPro into.")
"You must select a directory into which Art Department Professional will be"
" installed. There should be at least 800K of space available for the minimal"
" installation of the software.\n\n"
"If you are continuing a previously run installation, please select the same directory"
" that you selected the first time you installed ADPro. "
"If you are upgrading from a previous release of ADPro, then we suggest "
"that you install ADPro 2.1 in the same directory as your previous version.\n\n"
(default "SYS:ADPro")
(= (exists @default-dest) 0)
(makedir @default-dest)
(set osversion (/ (getversion) 65536))
"The directory Loaders2 could not be created. This might be because "
"your destination disk has no room, or it is write protected. This "
"installation cannot continue."
(set loaddir (tackon @default-dest "Loaders2"))
(= (exists loaddir) 0)
(makedir loaddir)
"The directory Operators2 could not be created. This might be because "
"your destination disk has no room, or it is write protected. This "
"installation cannot continue."
(set operdir (tackon @default-dest "Operators2"))
(= (exists operdir) 0)
(makedir operdir)
"The directory Savers2 could not be created. This might be because "
"your destination disk has no room, or it is write protected. This "
"installation cannot continue."
(set savedir (tackon @default-dest "Savers2"))
(= (exists savedir) 0)
(makedir savedir)
"The file arp.librbary could not be copied to your LIBS: directory. This might be because "
"the disk which contains your LIBS: directory has no room, or it is write protected. This "
"installation cannot continue."
(prompt "Copying arp.library to LIBS:")
"This library is required to install ADPro. If you already have a copy of "
"this library, the library included in this install is an update to the "
"library you currently have installed.\n\n"
(source "ADPRO2.D1:libs/arp.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(if (AND todo 3)
"The file req.librbary could not be copied to your LIBS: directory. This might be because "
"the disk which contains your LIBS: directory has no room, or it is write protected. This "
"installation cannot continue."
(prompt "Copying req.library to LIBS:")
"This library is required to run ADPro. If you already have a copy of "
"this library, the library included in this install is an update to the "
"library you currently have installed.\n\n"
(source "ADPRO2.D1:libs/req.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(prompt "" )
(help "")
(source "ADPRO2.D1:C/lz")
(dest "RAM:")
(= 0 (exists "RAM:lz"))
(abort "Unable to copy necessary files to Ram Disk."
" Please make sure you have at least 100K of memory"
" available before installing."
(delete "RAM:lz")
(IN todo 0)
(set totalfiles 59)
(set accum 0)
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(if (= 1 (exists (tackon operdir "Set_Pxl_Aspect")))
(protect (tackon operdir "Set_Pxl_Aspect") "+rwed")
(delete (tackon operdir "Set_Pxl_Aspect"))
(protect (tackon @default-dest "ADPro") "+rwed")
(delete (tackon @default-dest "ADPro"))
(protect (tackon @default-dest "ADPro.info") "+rwed")
(delete (tackon @default-dest "ADPro.info"))
(protect (tackon @default-dest "ADProDefaults") "+rwed")
(delete (tackon @default-dest "ADProDefaults"))
(protect (tackon loaddir "ADPro") "+rwed")
(delete (tackon loaddir "ADPro"))
(protect (tackon loaddir "ADPro.info") "+rwed")
(delete (tackon loaddir "ADPro.info"))
(working "Installing ADPro...")
(prompt "")
(help "")
(source "ADPRO2.D1:ADPro/ADPro")
(dest @default-dest)
(if (>= osversion 36)
(prompt "")
(help "")
(source "ADPRO2.D1:ADPro/ADPro2.0.info")
(dest @default-dest)
(rename (tackon @default-dest "ADPro2.0.info") (tackon @default-dest "ADPro.info"))
(if (<= osversion 35)
(prompt "")
(help "")
(source "ADPRO2.D1:ADPro/ADPro1.3.info")
(dest @default-dest)
(rename (tackon @default-dest "ADPro1.3.info") (tackon @default-dest "ADPro.info"))
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set mtodo1
"Please select the Loader Modules you wish to install:"
(help "")
(set mtodo2
"Please select the Loader Modules you wish to install:"
(help "")
(set mtodo2 (+ mtodo2 512))
(set mtodo3
"Please select the Operator Modules you wish to install:"
(help "")
(set mtodo4
"Please select the Operator Modules you wish to install:"
(help "")
(set mtodo5
"Please select the Operator Modules you wish to install:"
(help "")
(set mtodo5 (+ mtodo5 16))
(set mtodo6
"Please select the Saver Modules you wish to install:"
(help "")
(set mtodo7
"Please select the Saver Modules you wish to install:"
(help "")
(set mtodo1 65535)
(set mtodo2 65535)
(set mtodo3 65535)
(set mtodo4 65535)
(set mtodo5 65535)
(set mtodo6 65535)
(set mtodo7 65535)
(set module_srcdir "ADPRO2.D1:")
(prompt "")
(help "")
(source "ADPRO2.D1:Loaders.lzh")
(dest "RAM:")
(if (= 1 (exists "RAM:Loaders.lzh"))
(set module_srcdir "RAM:")
; 10 in this set
(set module_n 0)
(set module_type "Loader")
(set module_prefix "Loader")
(set module_dir loaddir)
(set module_todo mtodo1)
(while (set module_thisfile (select module_n "ALPHA" "BACKDROP" "BACKLINE" "BMP" "CLIPBOARD" "DPIIE" "DV21" "GIF" "HAME" "IFF" ""))
(set module_n (+ module_n 1))
; 8 in this set
(set module_n 0)
(set module_todo mtodo2)
(while (set module_thisfile (select module_n "IMPULSE" "JPEG" "MACPAINT" "PCX" "POINTER" "QRT" "SCREEN" "SCULPT" "UNIVERSAL" ".ALPHA" ""))
(set module_n (+ module_n 1))
(if (= 1 (exists "RAM:Loaders.lzh"))
(delete "RAM:Loaders.lzh")
(set module_srcdir "ADPRO2.D2:")
(prompt "")
(help "")
(source "ADPRO2.D2:Operators.lzh")
(dest "RAM:")
(if (= 1 (exists "RAM:Operators.lzh"))
(set module_srcdir "RAM:")
; 10 in this set
(set module_n 0)
(set module_type "Operator")
(set module_prefix "Operator")
(set module_dir operdir)
(set module_todo mtodo3)
(while (set module_thisfile (select module_n "Apply_Map" "Blur" "Broadcast_Limit" "Colorize" "Color_To_Gray" "Convolve" "Crop_Image" "Define_Pxl_Aspect" "DeInterlace" "Dynamic_Range" ""))
(set module_n (+ module_n 1))
; 10 in this set
(set module_n 0)
(set module_todo mtodo4)
(while (set module_thisfile (select module_n "Gray_To_Color" "Halve" "Horizontal_Flip" "Interlace" "Line_Art" "Median_Filter" "Negative" "Rectangle" "Rem_Isolated_Pxls" "Rendered_To_Raw" ""))
(set module_n (+ module_n 1))
; 2 in this set
(set module_n 0)
(set module_todo mtodo5)
(while (set module_thisfile (select module_n "Roll" "Saturation" "Tile" "Vertical_Flip" ".Edit_Palette" ""))
(set module_n (+ module_n 1))
(if (= 1 (exists "RAM:Operators.lzh"))
(delete "RAM:Operators.lzh")
(set module_srcdir "ADPRO2.D2:")
(prompt "")
(help "")
(source "ADPRO2.D2:Savers.lzh")
(dest "RAM:")
(if (= 1 (exists "RAM:Savers.lzh"))
(set module_srcdir "RAM:")
; 10 in this set
(set module_n 0)
(set module_type "Saver")
(set module_prefix "Saver")
(set module_dir savedir)
(set module_todo mtodo6)
(while (set module_thisfile (select module_n "BMP" "CLIPBOARD" "DPIIE" "GIF" "HAME" "IFF" "IMPULSE" "JPEG" "PCX" "POSTSCRIPT" ""))
(set module_n (+ module_n 1))
; 3 in this set
(set module_n 0)
(set module_todo mtodo7)
(while (set module_thisfile (select module_n "PREFPRINTER" "QRT" "SCULPT" ""))
(set module_n (+ module_n 1))
(if (= 1 (exists "RAM:Savers.lzh"))
(delete "RAM:Savers.lzh")
(if (>= osversion 36)
"Art Department Professional"
(prompt "Add ADPRO: assign to \"S:User-Startup\"?")
"Select YES to add assign to the User-Startup file.\n\n"
(command ("Assign ADPRO: %s" @default-dest))
(makeassign "ADPRO" @default-dest)
(IN todo 1)
(set totalfiles 15)
(set module_srcdir "ADPRO2.D2:")
(set accum 0)
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(prompt "Install Supplied Convolutions for Convolve Operator?")
"ADPro 2 comes with a number of predefined convolution files. "
"These files contain useful convolution matrices developed by ASDG for your use. "
"These files are used with the convolution operator and are quite small. If in doubt, "
"install these files."
(set convdir (tackon @default-dest "Convolutions"))
(= (exists savedir) 0)
(makedir convdir)
(run ("RAM:lz -N -wRam: x ADPRO2.D2:Convolutions.lzh * \"%s/\"" convdir))
; add 1 for this
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(set n 0)
(while (set thisfile (select n "Crop_Visual" "Rectangle_Visual" "Text_Visual" "Tile_Visual" ""))
( (if
(prompt ("Install %s Operator?\n\n" thisfile)
(select n
"This Operator is a WYSIWYG alternative for the Crop_Image Operator (WYSIWYG means What You See Is What You Get)."
"This Operator is a WYSIWYG alternative for the Rectangle Operator (WYSIWYG means What You See Is What You Get)."
"This Operator is a WYSIWYG Text Generation Operator (WYSIWYG means What You See Is What You Get)."
"This Operator is a WYSIWYG alternative for the Tile Operator (WYSIWYG means What You See Is What You Get)."
(help "Select YES is you wish to install this Operator.\n\n"
"These Operators are WYSIWYG alternatives for non-WYSIWYG Operators. "
"They are much larger in size compared to their non-WYSIWYG counterparts "
"but they are much easier to use.\n\n"
"If you are working in a floppy only environment, you may consider not "
"installing all of these operators. However, if you are installing on a hard disk drive, "
"then we recommend that you install these."
(set module_prefix "OptOperator")
(set module_dir operdir)
(set module_thisfile thisfile)
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(set n (+ n 1))
(set n 0)
(while (set thisfile (select n "FRAMEGRABBER" "IV24" ""))
( (if
(prompt ("Install %s Loader?\n\n" thisfile)
(select n
"This Loader controls the PP&S FrameGrabber Digitizer."
"This Loader supports the GVP IV24 Display Board Digitizer."
"Select YES is you wish to install this Loader.\n\nUse of this loader "
"requires that you have the appropriate hardware. If you don't own "
"the appropriate hardware, you might elect to skip installing this module."
(set module_prefix "OptLoader")
(set module_dir loaddir)
(set module_thisfile thisfile)
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(set n (+ n 1))
(set n 0)
(while (set thisfile (select n "DCTV" ""))
( (if
(prompt ("Install %s Operator?\n\n" thisfile)
(select n
"This Operator formats ADPro 24 Bit data into DCTV viewable rendered data."
"Select YES is you wish to install this Operator. Use of this operator "
"requires that you have the appropriate hardware. If you don't own "
"the appropriate hardware, you can skip this step."
(set module_prefix "OptOperator")
(set module_dir operdir)
(set module_thisfile thisfile)
(prompt "Copying dctv.library to LIBS:")
"This library is required to use the DCTV Module. If you already have a copy of "
"this library, the library included in this install is an update to the "
"library you currently have installed.\n\n"
(source "ADPRO2.D2:libs/dctv.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(set n (+ n 1))
(set n 0)
(while (set thisfile (select n "TPort_Controller" ""))
( (if
(prompt ("Install %s Operator?\n\n" thisfile)
(select n
"This Operator controls the MicroIllusions Transport Controller."
"Select YES is you wish to install this Operator. Use of this operator "
"requires that you have the appropriate hardware. If you don't own "
"the appropriate hardware, you can skip this step."
(set module_prefix "OptOperator")
(set module_dir operdir)
(set module_thisfile thisfile)
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(set n (+ n 1))
(set n 0)
(while (set thisfile (select n "A2410" "FC24" "FRAMEBUFFER" "HARLEQUIN" "IV24" "RESOLVER" ""))
( (if
(prompt ("Install %s Saver?\n\n" thisfile)
(select n
"This Saver controls the Commodore A2410 Display Board."
"This Saver controls the Impulse FireCracker 24 Display Board."
"This Saver controls the Mimetics FrameBuffer Display Board."
"This Saver controls the Amiga Centre Scotland Harlequin Display Board."
"This Saver controls the GVP IV24 Display Board."
"This Saver controls the DMI Resolver Display Board."
"Select YES is you wish to install this Saver. Use of this saver "
"requires that you have the appropriate hardware. If you don't own "
"the appropriate hardware, you can skip this step."
(set module_prefix "OptSaver")
(set module_dir savedir)
(set module_thisfile thisfile)
(set pct (/ (* accum 100) totalfiles))
(set accum (+ accum 1))
(complete pct)
(set n (+ n 1))
(IN todo 2)
(set @execute-dir
(prompt "Please select directory to install ASDG supplied ADPro ARexx Scripts into.")
"ASDG supplies several ARexx programs to serve as examples of "
"controlling ADPro from ARexx. Please see the ReadMe for a "
"description of the supplied ARexx programs.\n\n"
"If you don't own ARexx, then abort the installation now. (But you "
"should really purchase ARexx or WB 2.0. which comes with ARexx).\n\n"
(default "REXX:")
(run ("RAM:lz -N -wRAM: x ADPRO2.D2:RXProgs.lzh %s" @execute-dir))
(if (= 1 (exists "RAM:lz"))
(delete "RAM:lz")
(complete 100)